Are you Too Comfortable?
Time: 4:00am - Monday 27th August 2012
Something Strange woke me up, i obeyed & sat upright... i whispered a prayer that all may be well & decided to begin my day. What time is it? 2:00AM... it is early i know!!!
I sat on my study table & simply begun to reflect on life. Tuned in to Radio 316 to have some music in the background keeping me company (It's kinda dark and quiet you know)
So how did i get to start writing this? well, i was going through my academic life, my 20years of non-stop studying & just happened to check all my Certificates, degree, extra-curricula efforts & something struck me when i was looking @ my 2-page stamped passport!
'Where have i been to???'
'What do i really Aspire???' (I have an Acer Aspire by the way! - okay irrelevant)
Enihu, back to my point, have i been Too Comfortable? i have a lovely family, went to good schools, have lovely friends both @ Church & from schools, really nice family friends, my job was giving me the chance of a lifetime as Communications Coordinator!
So now why do i want a fully stamped Passport? What's the point of leaving all this comfort?
A friend i met over the weekend (26th Aug), asked me how many places i have been to. I listed the few attempts i have made to tour outside Kenya, then he asked,
'Why so few?' I Couldn't answer!
so he tried to make the question more polite,
"What is it about Kenya that you love that has made you stay?" I couldn't answer either!!!
Why was that? I know i hate politics, I hate the corruption, but boy oh boy do i love my country! just the awesome scenery (believe me i know! i have toured many places...), the freedom of speech (especially that practiced by journalists to tell it as it is), I loooove what 'Brand Kenya' is doing, & i loove my Shagz - Embu (Up-country).
ok, so here i am @ 3.45am, still up & reflecting...
Maybe an answer will come soon...
For now, I can only say I am glad I got up to write this, coz (I am not feeling wasted since i have sth for my Blog, My second Blog)
Till next time, Hasta la Vista!!!
Mwaa :-* :-*